Who’s Also Looking For Outdoor Wood Plans and Shed Plans?
If you’ve finally had enough of storing your lawn mower, garden furniture, spare tiles and tools in your garage or basement, it’s time to build a storage shed. And the first thing you need to have is a good set of shed plans. With a good set of plans you can build the perfect shed that all of your friends and neighbours will comment on. Just be careful, because you might be getting a lot of invites to shed building parties.
As a homeowner there are quite a few different outdoor projects you can build outside. Decks, bird houses, windmills, arbors and chicken coops to name a few. But the number one do it yourself outdoor project is the storage shed. This is because they are practical and you will save a lot of money if you build it yourself.
And if you spend the time to find the right sheds plans, you can build the a great looking shed that has room for all of your outdoor and garden stuff!
Finding the perfect shed plans
What are the right outdoor plans for your shed building?
The first thing to do is create a list of everything you want your shed to do and how you want it to look. In the process of looking for the right plans, here’s a list of things you want to know:
- How big do you want it to be – if possible layout all of the things you plan on storing. Remember some things might take more room than you expect, like lawn mowers since you have to wheel them in and out and they have a long handle.
- What dimensions do you want? 10 x 10 shed plans are popular but based on your property and where you plan to build it, an 8 x 12 shed might be better. This has the same amount of space but it is longer on one side and shorter on the other.
- Where do you want the door? The two things to consider is what are you storing inside and your property layout. A good idea is mark your shed out on your property with a garden hose or a rope.
- What style do you want it to look like. There’s lots of different styles from gabled, to barn, to cottage style. You might want it to look similar to your house to blend in or totally different to add interest to your back yard. It is a good idea to look around your neighbourhood or see what your friends have for inspiration.
Other woodworking plans
What are the other top outdoor wood plans?
- Chicken coop plans
- Gazebo plans
- Home made smoker plans
- Pergola plans
- Wooden bird house plans
- Wooden lighthouse plans
- Wooden wagon plans
It will be very cool to have the plans you need when you want them. No more time waisted looking for the perfect plans for your projects.